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Is One Cue Per Week Really Enough?

Is One Cue Per Week Really Enough?

I’ve said before that you need 100’s of cues to make a living in the production music industry, but is one cue per week really enough? Today I’m going to unpack and illustrate how productivity and output might not be the linear journey we think it is.

We’ll take a listen to “Waltz of Shame,” the latest submission in my “Year of Taxi” and check in on any forwards or returns.

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Read the @#$%& Brief! (Anatomy of a Taxi Listing)

Read the @#$%& Brief! (Anatomy of a Taxi Listing)

I’ve started my Year of Taxi, and I thought it’d be a good idea to talk about the anatomy of a brief and discuss how everything we need to know is right there in the listing!

We take a listen to "Entered Into Evidence," the first submission in my Year of Taxi and check in on any forwards or returns.

We also take a listen to a dark, moody EDM cue written by 52 Cues Community Member, Rolf Schild.

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Saying the Quiet Parts OUT LOUD! | with Anne-Kathrin Dern

Saying the Quiet Parts OUT LOUD! | with Anne-Kathrin Dern

In this interview, Anne-Kathrin Dern discusses her educational path, her career in film music, and how her YouTube channel seeks to pull back the curtain on the good, the bad, and the ugly in Hollywood show business.

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PMC & Taxi Road Rally Review

PMC & Taxi Road Rally Review

This fall, I attended both the Production Music Conference and the Taxi Road Rally. Today I share my unbiased and honest thoughts while comparing and contrasting each conference. I think this will help you decide which conference might right for you.

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Do We Really Need a Web Presence?

Do We Really Need a Web Presence?

How big a factor is luck in our careers? On today’s episode we turn to the research of Dr. Richard Wiseman, Professor of Public Understanding of Psychology at the University of Hertfordshire, and we examine the 4 Principles of Luck and discuss how they might apply to us as production music composers.

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Production Music Association Conference Panels Available on YouTube!

Production Music Association Conference Panels Available on YouTube!

The Production Music Association has posted archives from all of the PMC 2022 Panels up on their YouTube page and conveniently into a single playlist! We’ve posted some videos which are of particular interest below here. We encourage you to check out the playlist.

Also—find out the origin of our new favorite mantra at 52 Cues: “read the @#$%& brief!”

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The Inconvenient Truths About Production Music

The Inconvenient Truths About Production Music

Being a production music composer is not always lollipops and sunshine, and truth is, there are some pretty sobering and inconvenient truths about this industry that you should know before you go all in. So today, we’re going to say the quiet parts out loud, and talk the aspects of the gig which you just need to get ok with.

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Dave Kropf and Steven Beddall Talk Music Careers

Dave Kropf and Steven Beddall Talk Music Careers

Dave recently joined Steven Beddall of Production Music Academy on his YouTube channel. Dave and Steven both run their respective music production communities, and are both full time composers/educators. Dave shares insights on how he manages his busy life, how he got started in sync licensing, and how he gets things done!

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Collaborations and Conferences with Tracey and Vance Marino

Collaborations and Conferences with Tracey and Vance Marino

On today’s episode, I sit down and chat with Tracey and Vance Marino, authors of “Hey That’s My Song," and we discuss their experiences in navigating the co-writing process and chat about the upcoming PMA conference and Taxi Road Rally!

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We Need to Talk About Waves

We Need to Talk About Waves

Fair warning: today’s podcast is a little ranty because we need to talk about Waves, their marketing strategies, and what you should know before you start dropping real money on plugin deals which seem too good to be true.

Plus we feature “To The Finish Line,” an indie/alt rock cue by 52 Cues community member Darin Pekham!

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The Many Ways I Make Money Making Music

The Many Ways I Make Money Making Music

Nearly every composer I know doesn’t just compose for a living. They often find themselves cobbling together a career from many different aspects of the industry, from writing to arranging to gigging to teaching. So today, I thought I’d talk about all of the various ways I, personally, make money making music.

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