Saying the Quiet Parts OUT LOUD! | with Anne-Kathrin Dern

It’s not always easy to against the grain and break through glass ceilings, but every now and then someone comes along with the courage to say the quiet parts out loud and speak truth to power.

On this week's episode, I sit down with composer, @Anne-Kathrin Dern and we discuss her path through the European and US educational systems, how she transitioned into a career in film music, and how her YouTube channel seeks to pull the curtain back on the good, the bad, and sometimes ugly business of Hollywood.

Plus, we take a listen to "P3," an electro-acoustic tension cue written by 52 Cues Community member, Ilia Alania (!

00:00 - Intro & Welcome

02:57 - Interview with Anne-Kathrin Dern

39:16 - Join the 52 Cues Community!

40:30 - "P3" by Ilia Alania

45:31 - Outro & How You Can Support 52 Cues!

Go subscribe to Anne-Kathrin's channel!


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