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How To Use Your Superpower (with Nathan Toft)
In this episode of the 52 Cues podcast, Dave Kropf discusses production music challenges with Nathan Toft, a trombonist and winner of the "What's Your Superpower?" Composer Quest. Nathan shares his journey, trombone integration, and genre versatility. They also highlight leveraging unique skills and effective project management.

Exploring Sound Design with Venus Theory
As the world of sound design continues to evolve and innovate, having a firm understanding of the tools, techniques, and trends in the industry is essential. Whether you're an experienced sound designer or a novice looking to break into the field, our conversation with Cameron Gorham of Venus Theory offers invaluable insights to help you navigate this dynamic industry!

Demystifying the Cue with Dean Krippaehne
There's no shortage of YouTube channels about library and sync music but there aren't that many books about the production music industry. So when I had the opportunity to sit down with one of the few people really putting out great books about production music, I was more than happy to jump at the chance and welcome Dean Krippaehne to the podcast!

Dave Guests on Songwriting for Guitar
We've got the talented Dave Kropf from 52 Cues joining us to chat about production music! We're diving deep into this niche world of sync licensing and Dave is here to drop some serious knowledge bombs.

Saying the Quiet Parts OUT LOUD! | with Anne-Kathrin Dern
In this interview, Anne-Kathrin Dern discusses her educational path, her career in film music, and how her YouTube channel seeks to pull back the curtain on the good, the bad, and the ugly in Hollywood show business.

Jon Meyer & Dave Kropf Chat About Community
Dave and John took a few minutes to hang out at October's Production Music Association Conference. They have some great things to say about finding your musical community. Check it out!

Dave Kropf and Steven Beddall Talk Music Careers
Dave recently joined Steven Beddall of Production Music Academy on his YouTube channel. Dave and Steven both run their respective music production communities, and are both full time composers/educators. Dave shares insights on how he manages his busy life, how he got started in sync licensing, and how he gets things done!

Keeping it Real with Sync My Music
If you’ve been digging around YouTube for Production Music resources for any length time, then I can almost guarantee you’ve come across Jesse Josefsson and the @Sync My Music YouTube channel. I was super excited to be able to chat with him on this week’s 52 Cues Podcast.

Matt Bowdler | The Unfinished
Soundsets from Matt Bowdler have quickly become a staple in my synth toolkit, and I was thrilled to have the opportunity to chat with the imagination behind The Unfinished.
Join us as we talk about sound design, creating synth presets, and what it's like to be on the production team for the Oscar winning soundtrack for Dune.