Dave Guests on Songwriting for Guitar

We've got the talented Dave Kropf from 52 Cues joining us to chat about production music! We're diving deep into this niche world of sync licensing and Dave is here to drop some serious knowledge bombs.

Production music has become increasingly popular in recent years. With streaming services on the rise, there's a huge demand for it. This episode gives amazing insight into what to expect from this facet of the industry and how to wrap your head around it. If you like analogies with your education, you won't want to miss this episode.

Looking to learn more? Dave is your guy. He's not only an extensively credited producer, but he's also a teacher at 52Cues.com, at Full Sail University,  and has a YouTube channel dedicated solely to this topic.

So grab your headphones and join us for a fun and informative chat about production music.


Featured Composer: Richard Bagley


Featured Composer: Jenny Goodspeed