The Many Ways I Make Money Making Music

The Many Ways I Make Money Making Music

Nearly every composer I know doesn’t just compose for a living. They often find themselves cobbling together a career from many different aspects of the industry, from writing to arranging to gigging to teaching. So today, I thought I’d talk about all of the various ways I, personally, make money making music.

Plus, we’re gonna be taking a listen to “Limitless,” a cinematic pop vocal cue (yes, the rare vocal cue) by 52 Cues Community member, Caroline Moore (

Watch this episode on YouTube!

00:00 - Intro & Welcome
02:22 - How I Make Money Making Music
38:40 - Join the 52 Cues Community!
39:54 - "Limitless" by Caroline Moore
53:52 - Outro & How You Can Support 52 Cues!

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Featured Composer: Darin Peckham


Cue Breakdowns: New Feature for Friends!