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What’s Your Superpower?

What’s Your Superpower?

In this episode of the 52 Cues podcast, we explore "superpowers"—those innate skills that emerge naturally and effortlessly. We talk about recognizing these abilities, understanding their value, and applying them effectively within the production music industry to ensure both success and personal fulfillment in your career!

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Let's Talk Sync Agents (with Chuck Milan)

Let's Talk Sync Agents (with Chuck Milan)

Explore the vibrant world of music sync with insights from industry expert Chuck Milan in our latest 52 Cues Podcast episode. Discover the roles of sync agents, music publishers, and libraries, and learn valuable tips for making your music stand out for film, TV, and commercials. Gain firsthand knowledge on optimizing song quality, navigating copyright laws, and leveraging social media for sync success. Join us for an enlightening conversation that unveils the secrets to mastering the music sync process and securing lucrative opportunities in the entertainment industry.

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We Need To Talk About AI...Again

We Need To Talk About AI...Again

In this week's episode of the 52 Cues podcast, we dive back into the topic of AI, spurred by OpenAI's recent release of their text-to-video engine, Sora, which presents both stunning and unsettling advancements in AI-generated content. Dave reflects on the rapidly evolving capabilities of AI in creative industries and stresses the importance for composers to elevate their craft beyond the low-effort, easily replicable content that AI is beginning to master.

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Production Music Association Conference Panels Available on YouTube!

Production Music Association Conference Panels Available on YouTube!

The Production Music Association has posted archives from all of the PMC 2022 Panels up on their YouTube page and conveniently into a single playlist! We’ve posted some videos which are of particular interest below here. We encourage you to check out the playlist.

Also—find out the origin of our new favorite mantra at 52 Cues: “read the @#$%& brief!”

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Make Your Publisher’s Job Easy (Chat with Michael Laskow)

Make Your Publisher’s Job Easy (Chat with Michael Laskow)

When we pitch our cues to libraries, we want to make the process as smooth and painless as possible, so on today’s episode, I sit down and chat with Michael Laskow,@TAXI Independent A&R, who works with publishers every day, and we discuss what we composers can do to reduce friction when it comes to getting our music into libraries.

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The Many Ways I Make Money Making Music

The Many Ways I Make Money Making Music

Nearly every composer I know doesn’t just compose for a living. They often find themselves cobbling together a career from many different aspects of the industry, from writing to arranging to gigging to teaching. So today, I thought I’d talk about all of the various ways I, personally, make money making music.

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Are You Too Old to Start a Music Career?
52 Cues Podcast, Composing, Education Dave Kropf 52 Cues Podcast, Composing, Education Dave Kropf

Are You Too Old to Start a Music Career?

On today’s show, I sit down and chat with longtime 52 Cues member, and now recent Full Sail graduate, Greg Fellman, who left his career in social work to pursue his dream of being a media composer.

Plus, we listen to three of his cues which were recently selected to be featured during the 2022 Full Sail Hall of Fame induction ceremony!

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Will Artificial Intelligence Ever Replace Composers?

Will Artificial Intelligence Ever Replace Composers?

Why do we get such anxiety over how technology and AI might one day make us all obsolete? To help us understand why we might get so wound up about the threat of technology, I thought it’d be a good idea to get an historical perspective, so I welcome back Mrs. 52 Cues herself, Shannon Kropf, who takes us on multiple centruries-long journey to show us that technological apprehension is nothing new!

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The Global Royalty Machine: Ins, Outs, and Oportunities

The Global Royalty Machine: Ins, Outs, and Oportunities

Collecting royalties around the globe involves a vast network of sub-publishers, PROs, MCOs, administrators, integrated licensing hubs, and more. Join us for an in-depth roundtable discussion to learn more about what these different service providers do, what income streams they manage, and how to best utilize them to maximize your royalties beyond U.S. borders.

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Never Say Never! (Or Always)

Never Say Never! (Or Always)

It seems like a lot of professionals in the music industry like to deal in absolutes, so on today's episode I thought it’d be a good idea to talk about why we should probably get rid of absolute words like "never" and "always" from our production music vocabulary.

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Save the Date!

Save the Date!

We’ve just dropped the theme for our next 52 Cues Production Derby. We’ll have a 48-hour derby centered around…Christmas! Just in time to get some library tracks ready for the “most wonderful time of the year.” We’ll post info and registration in July. But please SAVE THE DATE for this super-fun challenge: Friday July 30 - Saturday July 31, 2022.

More info soon!

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