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5 Career Lessons I Learned from Star Wars

5 Career Lessons I Learned from Star Wars

In this episode, Dave Kropf explores lessons from Star Wars that can be applied to production and library music. He discusses the importance of using references effectively, the developmental journey from novice to expert, and the balance between artistry and commercial viability.

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What’s Your Superpower?

What’s Your Superpower?

In this episode of the 52 Cues podcast, we explore "superpowers"—those innate skills that emerge naturally and effortlessly. We talk about recognizing these abilities, understanding their value, and applying them effectively within the production music industry to ensure both success and personal fulfillment in your career!

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Hacking Music Theory with Music Interval Theory

Hacking Music Theory with Music Interval Theory

In this episode of the podcast, we welcome Frank and TC from the Music Interval Theory Academy, who introduce a groundbreaking approach to music composition. By focusing on a three-step composing process that veers away from traditional music theory, they offer new creative strategies and methods that not only challenge conventional composing techniques but also opens up a world of innovation for composers and musicians alike!

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What Are You Afraid Of?

What Are You Afraid Of?

In this episode of "The 52 Cues Podcast," Dave Kropf discusses the transformative power of fear in music production, offering insights into overcoming creative and industry challenges. Through personal anecdotes and practical advice, he reveals how fear can fuel innovation and success in the evolving music landscape.

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What Can Golf Teach Us About Production Music?

What Can Golf Teach Us About Production Music?

Join me in this exciting episode as I introduce Shane Jensen, a distinguished member of the 52 Cues Family. Shane is not only a talented musician but also a former professional golfer. We delve into how his experiences on the golf course have enriched his musical journey. Discover the intriguing parallels and valuable lessons that golf has brought to his artistic endeavors in the studio.

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From Beats to Banjos (with Ryan Harlin)

From Beats to Banjos (with Ryan Harlin)

In today's episode, I'm joined by Ryan Harlin, a familiar voice from music production tutorials on YouTube. He's a singer, songwriter, producer, music educator, and senior creative lead at Reason Studios. We'll dive into his journey into creating Reason tutorials, how Reason enhances his workflow, and his surprising passion for the banjo!

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How to Handle Discouragement

How to Handle Discouragement

Whether getting rejected by a client, ghosted by a publisher, getting placements that pay pennies to the dollar, or never getting placements at all, this gig can be pretty brutal at times. So how do we deal with that? This week, I thought it would be an excellent idea to have another 52 Cue Family roundtable to discuss handling discouragement.

A huge thanks to Jesse Carrigan, Rolf Schild, Mark Justin, Michael Sinay, Kristopher Smith, Cory Lavine, and Ralph Martin for joining me on this episode!

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Expedition 52: A Year-Long Composer Quest

Expedition 52: A Year-Long Composer Quest

Your challenge? To compose one cue per week, each a stepping stone towards your personal summit. Whether you are a seasoned production music composer or just beginning your career, Expedition 52 offers a platform to elevate your skills, creativity, and network.

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