Bebop Killed Jazz | With Shannon Kropf

On this week's episode, I welcome our resident music historian, Shannon Kropf, to discuss the rise of jazz's popularity, the cultural reasons it formed the way it did, how bebop musicians played a big role in its ultimate demise, and what lessons are to be learned for us production music composers.

Plus, we take a listen to "KatzUndMaus," a plucky dramedy cue by community member, Leo Voin (

00:00 - Intro & Welcome

03:04 - Bebop Killed Jazz – A Cautionary Tale

50:08 - Join the 52 Cues Community!

51:22 - "KatzUndMaus" by Leo Voin

59:34 - Outro & How You Can Support 52 Cues!

52 Cues Mastermind • Begins January 2023

This is an exclusive group of composers looking to make real inroads into the production music industry -- for those who are looking for professional mentoring and accountability and are serious about creating a sustainable career in production music within focused, interactive environment.

What is a Mastermind Group?

"An alliance of two or more minds working in perfect harmony for the attainment of a common definite objective. Success does not come without the cooperation of others." - Napoleon Hill

Hosted by Dave Kropf, this group meets each week to workshop ideas, discuss industry topics, and listen to each others' cues in an open and candid forum.


Join the 52 Cues Community!

Join the 52 Cues Community for FREE! – Post your own cues for feedback from the community, network with other composers, participate in community discussions, provide feedback on other composers' cues, and ask questions about the industry!

Become a 52 Cues FRIEND – Join in on Monthly Interactive Zoom Workshops featuring a range of topics and guests from around the music industry, and you'll have access to the Weekly Music Production Livestreams!

Become a 52 Cues FAMILY Member – Get all the benefits listed above, plus catch up with Dave during weekly live Zoom Office Hours, and have your cues reviewed each week during the live Weekly Interactive Feedback and Critique Sessions.

Lessons, critiques, and 1-on-1 coaching are available! –

Listen to the 52 Cues podcast on the go! Subscribe in your favorite podcast app or head over to!

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