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The “Someday” Trap: Let’s Live Now

The “Someday” Trap: Let’s Live Now

Hope is what keeps us going, day after day. We hope that tomorrow will be better than today. And there's something beautifully creative about hope, isn't there? As creators by nature, we constantly seek improvement, forever dreaming of a brighter future, and hope is our companion on the journey.

But is there a catch?

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Life-Giving Goals

Life-Giving Goals

Let’s be real: we all have commitments and deadlines that we need to meet. We all have to do stuff we don’t absolutely love, and there are occasions where the SMART-style goal is a fantastic tool to use. But when the majority of our most important goals are life-giving and centered around real-life desires and visions, real progress and real transformations happen.

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Coping with Crisis Mode

Coping with Crisis Mode

Crisis Mode goes into effect when unexpected events—like a family emergency or an intense work period—demand immediate attention, forcing everything else to fall away. These are the moments when our bodies are on constant high-alert, fueled by adrenaline and anxiety.

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The Other Three Agreements

The Other Three Agreements

The author, Don Miguel Ruiz, explains that we make “agreements” (or ways of being) with ourselves and others based on what we've learned throughout our lives. These agreements can either uplift us or hold us back. And the four agreements mentioned in the book are practical and powerful.

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A Little Chat with Shannon: Healthy Communication

A Little Chat with Shannon: Healthy Communication

It’s essential to be mindful of the tone and approach we use in our communications, especially when dealing with sensitive topics. When we remember that behind every conflict is a real, living-and-breathing person, it’s easier to be respectful and open to hearing what that person has to say. In turn, this opens the door for more open and honest conversations, ultimately leading to better understanding and collaboration.

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A Little Chat | Nine Keys While Uncluttering

A Little Chat | Nine Keys While Uncluttering

Over the past three years, I've gone through a lot, from two major career changes to losing a dream job. Despite these challenges, I've managed to find success in my graphic design work, which has been great—but also unexpected.

This was never a part of my plan or vocational identity. So I've recently found myself asking, "Who am I, again? And what exactly am I doing with my life?" If you've ever felt this way, know that you're not alone - I'm going through it too.

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A Little Chat | Overwhelm

A Little Chat | Overwhelm

As much as I love my work, I've been feeling pretty overwhelmed lately. During the pandemic, I was working non-stop for my clients because—SUDDENLY—everyone needed everything online.

I went for about 2 years with no days off (not even weekends). I was doing the entrepreneurial “hustle” and becoming increasingly stressed out and unhappy. And to make matters worse, my dad passed away unexpectedly (not COVID). It was a lot to handle, you know?

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A Little Chat | Celebrating the Moment

A Little Chat | Celebrating the Moment

Dave and I recently launched the Album Accelerator, which was a heavy lift. It was 35 gigs worth of information and six and a half hours of curriculum, so you can imagine the effort it took to put it together.

When we finally finished uploading everything, we were elated! But guess what happened next?

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4 Ways to Jumpstart Your Creativity!

4 Ways to Jumpstart Your Creativity!

We’ve talked about how important sustainable creativity is for the production music composer, but what happens when you got nothing or a deadline hangs over you like the sword of Damocles? On this week's episode, I’m going to give you 4 ways that I jumpstart my own creative process when time is short or energy is low.

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Mindfulness and Well-Being?
Shannon Kropf Shannon Kropf

Mindfulness and Well-Being?

Add to that the fact that we work in a tough industry, and now we're talking about some serious mind games! Let's face it: all of us music folk thrive on praise and approval of our work. It's part of the "psychology of play" that makes us sit for hours in front of a computer screen making music that we hope might get picked up and heard.

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