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Coping with Crisis Mode

Coping with Crisis Mode

Crisis Mode goes into effect when unexpected events—like a family emergency or an intense work period—demand immediate attention, forcing everything else to fall away. These are the moments when our bodies are on constant high-alert, fueled by adrenaline and anxiety.

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The Other Three Agreements

The Other Three Agreements

The author, Don Miguel Ruiz, explains that we make “agreements” (or ways of being) with ourselves and others based on what we've learned throughout our lives. These agreements can either uplift us or hold us back. And the four agreements mentioned in the book are practical and powerful.

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A Little Chat with Shannon: Healthy Communication

A Little Chat with Shannon: Healthy Communication

It’s essential to be mindful of the tone and approach we use in our communications, especially when dealing with sensitive topics. When we remember that behind every conflict is a real, living-and-breathing person, it’s easier to be respectful and open to hearing what that person has to say. In turn, this opens the door for more open and honest conversations, ultimately leading to better understanding and collaboration.

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Never Say Never! (Or Always)

Never Say Never! (Or Always)

It seems like a lot of professionals in the music industry like to deal in absolutes, so on today's episode I thought it’d be a good idea to talk about why we should probably get rid of absolute words like "never" and "always" from our production music vocabulary.

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