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Featured Placement: NFL Playoffs

Featured Placement: NFL Playoffs

A HUGE congratulations goes out to Jeff Hargrove, who scored a key placement on Sunday’s NFL Today on CBS Sports. He caught the coveted Opening Teaser, and we think that his cue could not be MORE perfect for this high-stakes moment!

Jeff Hargrove is a 52 Cues Family member and has completed the 52 Cues Mastermind with Dave Kropf.

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Featured Composer: Dex Williams

Featured Composer: Dex Williams

Dex Williams began composing for libraries in 2017, with the help of a friend. He’s earned placements on BBC Springwatch, Housewives of Atlanta, Police Interceptors, and more. He is a classically trained on clarinet and saxophone, and loves to play piano by ear. His musical interests are varied, and he incorporates rock, funk, metal, and blues into his work. He particularly enjoys writing orchestral hybrid music.

Dex is looking forward to focusing his efforts with the support of the 52 Cues Cues Community.

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Featured Composer: Rolf Schild

Featured Composer: Rolf Schild

Rolf Schild is an experienced composer/producer from Germany. He started composing music in 1976 after founding his first band. He’s been composing ever since.

Influenced by the orchestral and fusion bands from the 70's and by his education on classical guitar, his music comprises a huge variety of genres and styles. in 1996, Rolf started to produce music with DAW. He enjoys writing production music and has placements on ABC and hulu.

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52 Cues Members Make Air on CBS!

52 Cues Members Make Air on CBS!

Two 52 Cues members made the CBS Sports broadcasts over the weekend. Both of these tracks were submitted through a 52 Cues Workshop calling for sports cues. Congrats Michael Sinay and Steven Beddall!

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Production Music Association Conference Panels Available on YouTube!

Production Music Association Conference Panels Available on YouTube!

The Production Music Association has posted archives from all of the PMC 2022 Panels up on their YouTube page and conveniently into a single playlist! We’ve posted some videos which are of particular interest below here. We encourage you to check out the playlist.

Also—find out the origin of our new favorite mantra at 52 Cues: “read the @#$%& brief!”

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Featured Composer: Jeff Hargrove

Featured Composer: Jeff Hargrove

Jeff has been on the record side of the gospel music industry and a minister of music for his church for over 20 years. Now for the first time, he’s pursuing my first love, music composition.

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Dave Kropf and Steven Beddall Talk Music Careers

Dave Kropf and Steven Beddall Talk Music Careers

Dave recently joined Steven Beddall of Production Music Academy on his YouTube channel. Dave and Steven both run their respective music production communities, and are both full time composers/educators. Dave shares insights on how he manages his busy life, how he got started in sync licensing, and how he gets things done!

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