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5 Ways to Stay in the Creative Flow State
When we’re composing, we strive to maintain this creative flow state, but some days that feels harder than others! So on today’s episode, I unpack 5 things you can do to help keep you in that flow state, feeling more creative, and more productive.

Do We Really Need a Web Presence?
How big a factor is luck in our careers? On today’s episode we turn to the research of Dr. Richard Wiseman, Professor of Public Understanding of Psychology at the University of Hertfordshire, and we examine the 4 Principles of Luck and discuss how they might apply to us as production music composers.

Dave Kropf is Mentor and Presenter at TAXI Road Rally
If you’re headed out to the TAXI Road Rally, be sure to stop in and see Dave! He’s got several sessions throughout the conference, and he’d love to see you at those—or “in the wild” for a chat or cup of coffee.

Production Music Association Conference Panels Available on YouTube!
The Production Music Association has posted archives from all of the PMC 2022 Panels up on their YouTube page and conveniently into a single playlist! We’ve posted some videos which are of particular interest below here. We encourage you to check out the playlist.
Also—find out the origin of our new favorite mantra at 52 Cues: “read the @#$%& brief!”

What’s Luck Got to do with It?
How big a factor is luck in our careers? On today’s episode we turn to the research of Dr. Richard Wiseman, Professor of Public Understanding of Psychology at the University of Hertfordshire, and we examine the 4 Principles of Luck and discuss how they might apply to us as production music composers.

Jon Meyer & Dave Kropf Chat About Community
Dave and John took a few minutes to hang out at October's Production Music Association Conference. They have some great things to say about finding your musical community. Check it out!

Make Your Publisher’s Job Easy (Chat with Michael Laskow)
When we pitch our cues to libraries, we want to make the process as smooth and painless as possible, so on today’s episode, I sit down and chat with Michael Laskow,@TAXI Independent A&R, who works with publishers every day, and we discuss what we composers can do to reduce friction when it comes to getting our music into libraries.

How is Production Music Different Than Film Music?
There are some key differences that separate production music from other careers like film music, game music, and even songwriting, and today I want to discuss what really separates production music from other music for film, tv, games, and advertising.

4 Ways to Jumpstart Your Creativity!
We’ve talked about how important sustainable creativity is for the production music composer, but what happens when you got nothing or a deadline hangs over you like the sword of Damocles? On this week's episode, I’m going to give you 4 ways that I jumpstart my own creative process when time is short or energy is low.

Who Are Your People?
The first part of success in the music industry is definitely working on your craft, producing cues of higher and higher quality. The second part of success is relationships.

The Inconvenient Truths About Production Music
Being a production music composer is not always lollipops and sunshine, and truth is, there are some pretty sobering and inconvenient truths about this industry that you should know before you go all in. So today, we’re going to say the quiet parts out loud, and talk the aspects of the gig which you just need to get ok with.

Dave Kropf and Steven Beddall Talk Music Careers
Dave recently joined Steven Beddall of Production Music Academy on his YouTube channel. Dave and Steven both run their respective music production communities, and are both full time composers/educators. Dave shares insights on how he manages his busy life, how he got started in sync licensing, and how he gets things done!

Collaborations and Conferences with Tracey and Vance Marino
On today’s episode, I sit down and chat with Tracey and Vance Marino, authors of “Hey That’s My Song," and we discuss their experiences in navigating the co-writing process and chat about the upcoming PMA conference and Taxi Road Rally!

5 Steps to Starting Your Music Production Career
It used to be the TV industry’s best kept secret, but more composers are getting hip to how they can carve out a career for themselves writing production music. So here are the 5 steps to starting your music production career!

Sneak Peek! Coming Soon!
Coming soon! Professor Dave’s Production Music Almanac: A Compendium of Compositional Consultation!

Cue Breakdowns: New Feature for Friends!
Cue breakdowns are quick, 15-20 minute guides which feature Dave Kropf talking through one of his published cues. It’s a great way to find new ideas, techniques, and sounds for your own cues!

Featured Composer: Greg Fellman
52 Cues Member Greg Fellman is passionate about composing the right music for your media. For Greg, it is not about ego. He knows his music is not the star of the show but rather is a supporting character in a larger production. Therefore, he is eager to work with you on exactly what you need for your project.