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Production Music Q&A

Production Music Q&A

Dive into the world of production and library music with Dave Kropf on the 52 Cues podcast. This episode covers mastering alts and stems, AI tools, pitching to libraries, choosing sounds for cues, backend royalties, finding references, mastering dynamic tracks, panning practices, using samples, placements in PRO catalogs, transition music, and learning sample libraries.

Explore the ins and outs of being a working production music composer!

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Do Libraries Owe Us a Response on Returns?

Do Libraries Owe Us a Response on Returns?

Last week I posed a burning question: should libraries reach out to composers whose music was forwarded by Taxi but not selected? This ignited a spirited discussion among composers, publishers, and everyone in between, shared via YouTube comments, our 52 Cues community, DMs, and emails.

Join me this week on the 52 Cues Podcast as we dive deeper into the Taxi debate with their President and CEO, Michael Laskow. We'll uncover the truth behind showbiz rejections, learn how to bounce back from bruised egos, and examine why Taxi-forward success might make make the silence sting that much more.

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Is Tunesat Really Worth the $$$?

Is Tunesat Really Worth the $$$?

TuneSat can detect nearly any music placement on TV throughout the US and EU, and while it has its limitations, it can be a good way to see if your cues are getting traction. But what can we actually do with this information? And is it even worth the CRAZY subscription cost?

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Must-Have Plugins

Must-Have Plugins

Regardless of mood, emotion, or genre, I keep finding myself dipping back into the same handful of plugins time and time again. So on today’s show I share the sounds and FX which have become so deeply embedded into my workflow that they should be immortalized into my own personal Mount Rushmore of plugins.

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Do You Have What it Takes?

Do You Have What it Takes?

On today’s show, I share the 8 things I think it takes to be successful in the production music industry, with the understanding that most of these I’m still working on myself!

Plus in my Year of Taxi update, we’re going to check in on any returns or forwards and take a listen to this week’s submission which is a Lo-Fi/Chill Hop cue, and I give my thoughts a dark, mysterious cue written by 52 Cues Community Member, Claudio D

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The 4 Stages of Competence

The 4 Stages of Competence

When you’re just getting started, you don’t even know what you don’t know, but when you learn a little then you know. You continue this until finally, you know what you know, you know there’s more to know, but you’ve stopped thinking of what you know because now you know it.

This is the path to learning any new skill, and on today’s show, I’m going to unpack each these four stages of competence and discuss how they correlate to the production music process.

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Is One Cue Per Week Really Enough?

Is One Cue Per Week Really Enough?

I’ve said before that you need 100’s of cues to make a living in the production music industry, but is one cue per week really enough? Today I’m going to unpack and illustrate how productivity and output might not be the linear journey we think it is.

We’ll take a listen to “Waltz of Shame,” the latest submission in my “Year of Taxi” and check in on any forwards or returns.

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Read the @#$%& Brief! (Anatomy of a Taxi Listing)

Read the @#$%& Brief! (Anatomy of a Taxi Listing)

I’ve started my Year of Taxi, and I thought it’d be a good idea to talk about the anatomy of a brief and discuss how everything we need to know is right there in the listing!

We take a listen to "Entered Into Evidence," the first submission in my Year of Taxi and check in on any forwards or returns.

We also take a listen to a dark, moody EDM cue written by 52 Cues Community Member, Rolf Schild.

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Town Hall Meeting

Town Hall Meeting

Join us for this community-wide meetup where we'll recap the year, talk about the community plans for the 2023, and answer any of your questions!

Coming in 2023: The Year of Taxi, The Briefing Room, Album Accelerator Experience, Workshops, and added benefits for all membership levels!

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