Cue Feedback

from $19.00

In-Depth, Supportive Feedback: You'll receive an MP4 video critique packed with professional advice from Dave Kropf. He’ll focus on feedback that will help you refine your track for placement standards. Use Dave’s tailored guidance to not only improve this track but also to refine your overall compositional approach!

Length of Cue:
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In-Depth, Supportive Feedback: You'll receive an MP4 video critique packed with professional advice from Dave Kropf. He’ll focus on feedback that will help you refine your track for placement standards. Use Dave’s tailored guidance to not only improve this track but also to refine your overall compositional approach!

In-Depth, Supportive Feedback: You'll receive an MP4 video critique packed with professional advice from Dave Kropf. He’ll focus on feedback that will help you refine your track for placement standards. Use Dave’s tailored guidance to not only improve this track but also to refine your overall compositional approach!

Feeling unsure about how your music fits into the TV music landscape? You're not alone. Many talented composers struggle with the nuances of creating cues that resonate with music supervisors and fit the production music industry mold.

It's about more than just talent; it's about fine-tuning your music to meet specific sync music standards and styles.We're here to help you bridge that gap, turning your dedication and passion into a success story!

Your Journey to Sync Music Success:

  1. Submit Your Track: Share your cue with us. We welcome all genres and understand the unique aspects of each.

  2. In-Depth, Supportive Feedback: You'll receive an MP4 video critique packed with professional advice, focusing on the refinement of your track for TV standards.

  3. Elevate & Succeed: Use our tailored guidance to not only improve this track but also to refine your overall compositional approach.

The Realities of Missing Out:

  • Lost Opportunities: Without industry-level feedback, your music may continually miss opportunities in the highly selective world of sync licensing.

  • The Cycle of Guesswork: Constantly wondering what's missing in your cues can lead to frustration and creative blockages, affecting your productivity and confidence.

  • Limited Growth: In the absence of professional critique, identifying and improving upon weaknesses in your compositions can be challenging, potentially slowing your artistic development.

File Submission Guidelines for Optimal Feedback:

  • Preferred Format: Submit as a 24bit/48k .WAV file (AIF or MP3s are also fine).

  • File Naming: Name your file with your name, a meaningful title, and the cue's key and BPM (Example: 'Dave Kropf_Redzone Rundown_Dm_140.wav').

  • Provide Context: Include a download link and a brief description of your track. If you're responding to a specific brief, please include those details.

  • Open to Questions: We welcome any questions you might have about your music or navigating the production music industry!

We're here not just to review your cues, but to share in your journey, celebrate your unique voice, and help you overcome the hurdles to success.

Let’s work together to ensure your music not only reaches but resonates with TV music supervisors. Your path to more sync placements starts here!

52 Cues Placement Disclaimer

At 52 Cues, we offer professional guidance to help you refine your music for use in the production music industry, but it's important to note that we cannot guarantee placements. The selection and use of cues are determined by publishers, editors, and producers in the industry. While our goal is to improve your music's appeal and marketability, the final decision for placements rests with these industry professionals and is influenced by factors outside our control.