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How to Handle Discouragement

How to Handle Discouragement

Whether getting rejected by a client, ghosted by a publisher, getting placements that pay pennies to the dollar, or never getting placements at all, this gig can be pretty brutal at times. So how do we deal with that? This week, I thought it would be an excellent idea to have another 52 Cue Family roundtable to discuss handling discouragement.

A huge thanks to Jesse Carrigan, Rolf Schild, Mark Justin, Michael Sinay, Kristopher Smith, Cory Lavine, and Ralph Martin for joining me on this episode!

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52 Cues Members Make Air on CBS!

52 Cues Members Make Air on CBS!

Two 52 Cues members made the CBS Sports broadcasts over the weekend. Both of these tracks were submitted through a 52 Cues Workshop calling for sports cues. Congrats Michael Sinay and Steven Beddall!

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October Workshop: Sports Broadcasting Cue Review with Rob Aster (Publisher, RRHOT)

October Workshop: Sports Broadcasting Cue Review with Rob Aster (Publisher, RRHOT)

Get your cues heard and critiqued by Rob Aster of RRHOT Publishing (CBS Sports, NFL, PGA, NCAA, and more!). From hip-hop to rock, instrumentals and vocals, Rob will let you know if your cue is ready for the world of sports broadcasting!

MONDAY, OCTOBER 245 - 6:30pm EDT (17:00 - 18:30 EDT)

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