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I Got Copyright Notices for Using AI Loops

I Got Copyright Notices for Using AI Loops

Now, I know what you're thinking—you’re probably sick of hearing about AI. I know I’m sick of talking about AI and the constant handwringing about it, but recent events have brought AI screaming to the forefront.

During a recent live stream, I used Sumo AI to generate a custom reference track, but after the session, I was hit with not one, not two, but four copyright notices for the same section of the AI-generated drum loop.

Yeah, we've got some things to talk about.

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A Library wants my cue! What now?

A Library wants my cue! What now?

Today, we're exploring what happens after a library accepts your cue. We'll cover contract management, detail deliverables like file formats and metadata, and examine the library's role in distribution and marketing. Additionally, we'll discuss the patience needed as your music establishes itself in the industry.

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Production Music Q&A

Production Music Q&A

Dive into the world of production and library music with Dave Kropf on the 52 Cues podcast. This episode covers mastering alts and stems, AI tools, pitching to libraries, choosing sounds for cues, backend royalties, finding references, mastering dynamic tracks, panning practices, using samples, placements in PRO catalogs, transition music, and learning sample libraries.

Explore the ins and outs of being a working production music composer!

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January Workshop: Read the @#$%& Brief!

January Workshop: Read the @#$%& Brief!

Join Dave Kropf as he takes a deep dive into his method for understanding library briefs and listings. He'll unpack his strategies for decoding terms and translating references for the best chance of placement and forwards!

Plus he'll go over how to avoid some of the pitfalls of cloning and how we can stay original without slipping into "artist brain!"

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December Workshop: Stock Music Strategies with Steven Beddall
Workshops, Family Group, Friend Group, Stock Music Shannon Kropf Workshops, Family Group, Friend Group, Stock Music Shannon Kropf

December Workshop: Stock Music Strategies with Steven Beddall

Join special host, Steven Beddall (Production Music Academy), as he unpacks his method for creating engaging production music for royalty-free catalogs like Motion Array, Artlist, and Audio Jungle.

Plus, he'll show us behind the scenes of some of his most successful tracks which earn him $1000's each month!

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Make Your Publisher’s Job Easy (Chat with Michael Laskow)

Make Your Publisher’s Job Easy (Chat with Michael Laskow)

When we pitch our cues to libraries, we want to make the process as smooth and painless as possible, so on today’s episode, I sit down and chat with Michael Laskow,@TAXI Independent A&R, who works with publishers every day, and we discuss what we composers can do to reduce friction when it comes to getting our music into libraries.

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Will Artificial Intelligence Ever Replace Composers?

Will Artificial Intelligence Ever Replace Composers?

Why do we get such anxiety over how technology and AI might one day make us all obsolete? To help us understand why we might get so wound up about the threat of technology, I thought it’d be a good idea to get an historical perspective, so I welcome back Mrs. 52 Cues herself, Shannon Kropf, who takes us on multiple centruries-long journey to show us that technological apprehension is nothing new!

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The Global Royalty Machine: Ins, Outs, and Oportunities

The Global Royalty Machine: Ins, Outs, and Oportunities

Collecting royalties around the globe involves a vast network of sub-publishers, PROs, MCOs, administrators, integrated licensing hubs, and more. Join us for an in-depth roundtable discussion to learn more about what these different service providers do, what income streams they manage, and how to best utilize them to maximize your royalties beyond U.S. borders.

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Never Say Never! (Or Always)

Never Say Never! (Or Always)

It seems like a lot of professionals in the music industry like to deal in absolutes, so on today's episode I thought it’d be a good idea to talk about why we should probably get rid of absolute words like "never" and "always" from our production music vocabulary.

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