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What’s Your Superpower?

What’s Your Superpower?

In this episode of the 52 Cues podcast, we explore "superpowers"—those innate skills that emerge naturally and effortlessly. We talk about recognizing these abilities, understanding their value, and applying them effectively within the production music industry to ensure both success and personal fulfillment in your career!

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Expedition 52: A Year-Long Composer Quest

Expedition 52: A Year-Long Composer Quest

Your challenge? To compose one cue per week, each a stepping stone towards your personal summit. Whether you are a seasoned production music composer or just beginning your career, Expedition 52 offers a platform to elevate your skills, creativity, and network.

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Great Music Production Books by Dean Krippaehne

Great Music Production Books by Dean Krippaehne

Dave devoured these three books in 2017 and 2018! Dean Krippaehne's music production books—"Demystifying the Cue," "Demystifying the Genre," and "Write Submit Forget Repeat,”— stand as an indispensable resource for anyone navigating the competitive world of music licensing and songwriting.

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Do You *NEED* a YouTube Channel?

Do You *NEED* a YouTube Channel?

What if YouTube could make a real difference in your career as a composer? This podcast episode provides an in-depth analysis of how to leverage YouTube for your career growth. Learn about digital sharecropping, cross-promotion tactics, and more!

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