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How to Handle Discouragement

How to Handle Discouragement

Whether getting rejected by a client, ghosted by a publisher, getting placements that pay pennies to the dollar, or never getting placements at all, this gig can be pretty brutal at times. So how do we deal with that? This week, I thought it would be an excellent idea to have another 52 Cue Family roundtable to discuss handling discouragement.

A huge thanks to Jesse Carrigan, Rolf Schild, Mark Justin, Michael Sinay, Kristopher Smith, Cory Lavine, and Ralph Martin for joining me on this episode!

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I Just Turned 50 and I'm Just Getting Started!

I Just Turned 50 and I'm Just Getting Started!

Join me for my 50th birthday episode as I explore my evolution from aspiring band director to production music composer and educator. I discuss my happy 30-year marriage, career shifts, work-life balance, and personal growth insights.

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The Power of Gratitude, Grace, and Forgiveness (with Shannon Kropf)

The Power of Gratitude, Grace, and Forgiveness (with Shannon Kropf)

The transformative power of gratitude, positivity, and forgiveness is undeniable. These principles wield immense influence in our lives, shaping our personal and professional journeys. Shannon and Dave Kropf delve into the significance and power these concepts hold.

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Life-Giving Goals

Life-Giving Goals

Let’s be real: we all have commitments and deadlines that we need to meet. We all have to do stuff we don’t absolutely love, and there are occasions where the SMART-style goal is a fantastic tool to use. But when the majority of our most important goals are life-giving and centered around real-life desires and visions, real progress and real transformations happen.

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