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The Habits of Success (with Jelle Dittmar)

The Habits of Success (with Jelle Dittmar)

Dave Kropf hosts music producer Jelle Dittmar in a dynamic episode of the 52 Cues Podcast. Explore how online networking catapulted Jelle into a major album deal with an LA music library, plus uncover the secrets to forging lasting industry relationships.

Learn about the role of live elements in music production, advances in remote collaboration technology, and Jelle's dedication to mentoring the next generation of talent. Perfect for composers at any stage, this episode is packed with actionable insights to fuel your musical journey.

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How to Handle Discouragement

How to Handle Discouragement

Whether getting rejected by a client, ghosted by a publisher, getting placements that pay pennies to the dollar, or never getting placements at all, this gig can be pretty brutal at times. So how do we deal with that? This week, I thought it would be an excellent idea to have another 52 Cue Family roundtable to discuss handling discouragement.

A huge thanks to Jesse Carrigan, Rolf Schild, Mark Justin, Michael Sinay, Kristopher Smith, Cory Lavine, and Ralph Martin for joining me on this episode!

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A Library wants my cue! What now?

A Library wants my cue! What now?

Today, we're exploring what happens after a library accepts your cue. We'll cover contract management, detail deliverables like file formats and metadata, and examine the library's role in distribution and marketing. Additionally, we'll discuss the patience needed as your music establishes itself in the industry.

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The Classically Trained Synthesist (with Jameson Nathan Jones)

The Classically Trained Synthesist (with Jameson Nathan Jones)

What does it take to find fulfillment in the music production industry? Listen to our in-depth conversation with composer Jameson Nathan Jones on balancing artistic integrity and commercial demands.

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6 Career Lessons I Learned from Star Trek

6 Career Lessons I Learned from Star Trek

Star Trek is more than just an entertainment franchise; it's a trove of valuable life lessons. The series offers timeless wisdom about embracing diversity, being adaptable, and fostering alliances – lessons that are crucial for a successful music career.

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From Sample Making to Filmmaking with Jon Meyer

From Sample Making to Filmmaking with Jon Meyer

We production music folks tend to have a lot of irons in the fire and I can’t think of a leader in our industry who best embodies this than Jon Meyer (@JonMeyer)!

Jon has just released his brand new Kontakt instrument, Soft Drums, and I wanted to have him on the show to not only talk about that, but also, to share how he balances so many creative outlets - from music making to sample making to filmmaking.

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Production Music Q&A

Production Music Q&A

Dive into the world of production and library music with Dave Kropf on the 52 Cues podcast. This episode covers mastering alts and stems, AI tools, pitching to libraries, choosing sounds for cues, backend royalties, finding references, mastering dynamic tracks, panning practices, using samples, placements in PRO catalogs, transition music, and learning sample libraries.

Explore the ins and outs of being a working production music composer!

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Do Libraries Owe Us a Response on Returns?

Do Libraries Owe Us a Response on Returns?

Last week I posed a burning question: should libraries reach out to composers whose music was forwarded by Taxi but not selected? This ignited a spirited discussion among composers, publishers, and everyone in between, shared via YouTube comments, our 52 Cues community, DMs, and emails.

Join me this week on the 52 Cues Podcast as we dive deeper into the Taxi debate with their President and CEO, Michael Laskow. We'll uncover the truth behind showbiz rejections, learn how to bounce back from bruised egos, and examine why Taxi-forward success might make make the silence sting that much more.

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WGA Members Vote Overwhelmingly To Authorize A Strike If No Deal By May 1
Industry News Shannon Kropf Industry News Shannon Kropf

WGA Members Vote Overwhelmingly To Authorize A Strike If No Deal By May 1

“Our membership has spoken,” the WGA Negotiating Committee told guild members. “You have expressed your collective strength, solidarity, and the demand for meaningful change in overwhelming numbers. Armed with this demonstration of unity and resolve, we will continue to work at the negotiating table to achieve a fair contract for all writers.”

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