52 Cues | The Interactive Production Music Community

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The Inconvenient Truths About Production Music

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Inconvenient Production Music Truths

Being a production music composer is not always lollipops and sunshine, and truth is, there are some pretty sobering and inconvenient truths about this industry that you should know before you go all in. So today, we’re going to say the quiet parts out loud, and talk the aspects of the gig which you just need to get ok with.

Plus, we’re going to take a listen to "Sunshine Girl," an upbeat acoustic cue written by 52 Cues Community, Ralph Oleski (https://soundcloud.com/user-936339303)!

Plus we feature a cue written by 52 Cues community, and this week, we’re gonna take a listen to “Sunshine Girl,” an upbeat acoustic cue by Ralph Oleski.

Watch this episode on YouTube!

00:00 - Intro & Welcome
02:14 - You have to be patient
10:33 - You have to be ok with the money
18:18 - You have to approach this as a business
26:13 - You have to be ok with not always writing what you want
33:59 - Join the 52 Cues Community!
35:13 - "Sunshine Girl" by Ralph Oleski
41:41 - Outro & How You Can Support 52 Cues!

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