52 Cues Production Music Education

The Interactive
Production Music

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We’re serious about your music.

Who We Are

We are a diverse, worldwide community of composers and producers devoted to writing better production music through lifelong learning, mutual support, and encouragement to others along their journey…

... and it starts with one cue per week!

Why “52 Cues?”

Place 50 great tracks per year with high quality library music companies and barring disasters you have a high chance of earning over 100k per year in royalties after about 8 years.
— Dan Graham | "A Composer's Guide to Library Music"

52 Cues creates community where transformation happens.


love the



Unsolicited! Community member
Phillip Z. (Germany) gives Dave
feedback on … Dave’s feedback!

Dave, great job as always. These cue walkthroughs are so valuable, and I always get a lot out of your in-depth explanations and especially the reasoning behind a lot of the creative choices.

One thing I do know is that my own cues would not be where they are without studying these tracks and demonstrations etc., so a big thank you as ever :-)
— Nigel M. | Tennessee | Family Group Subscriber
Clyde Pierce describes being a 52 Cues Family subscriber
It’s wonderful to be a part of the group, participate in the weekly activities with Dave and the community members, and then be able to take a private lesson when you want to focus on your skills and get constructive feedback. Being able to interact with Dave is gold. With other similar services, there is no opportunity for face to face.

This really sets 52 Cues above the crowd.
— C. Pearce | Illinois | Family Group Subscriber
If you’re someone such as myself with decades of experience in the music business, but are new to the process of creating syncable production cues, this is the place to be.

You can waste countless hours on forums, You Tube, etc. or, you can simply go directly to “the horse’s mouth” and get direct, honest feedback and insights from an industry professional. The icing on the cake is Dave and Shannon are nice people and there’s never enough of those in this business.
— Michael S. | Texas | Family Group Subscriber

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The 52 Cues Music Production Community has topics and events for music production composers

Join the FREE Community

Join the free 52 Cues Community! You’ll have access to the Community discussion area, where you can post your cues for feedback from Dave Kropf and other 52 Cues members. You can also participate in community discussions, posts, and polls. This is a great place to get to know other production music composers!

52 Cues Production Music Merch

Represent the 52 Cues Family

We’re constantly adding new designs for stuff that represents YOU and your journey as a production music composer. It’s your chance to:

  • Represent the 52 Cues Family.

  • Support the 52 Cues Community.

  • Buy Dave a cup of coffee.

COMING SOON: SAMPLE PACKS and custom 52 Cues tools for production music composers.

Dave Kropf 52 Cues give supportive, constructive video feedback

Live Online Lesson or Consultation

Looking for personalized, one-on-one instruction in music production? Wanting someone to come alongside you on your professional journey?

From melodies to metadata and production to pitches, let’s work together to get your cues sync ready!

Receive Industry Feedback Videos for Your Cues

Feel like your music isn't quite ready to send to libraries? Wondering if your arrangement works or if your mix is there yet?

If you’re looking for an honest, industry-level review of your music, my in-depth video analysis can help get your cue ready to pitch to publishers.


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