What are “Office Hours” on 52 Cues?


Here is what’s coming up in the 52 Cues community next week!

You might notice an interesting meeting/topic: Office Hours. Some folks define office hours as “the times when an office is open.” In the U.S. we might even substitute “banking hours.”

But we borrowed this idea from our time in academia; since many of our favorite professors were apt to be either teaching class, engrossed in research, or just plain busy, they would post Office Hours. This is the time that the prof set aside to be working in the office and guaranteed to be there if you went by.

So that’s what Office Hours are. It’s a time each week when you can drop by Dave’s virtual office, hang out for a bit, ask any questions you might have, or watch him work on something you’re interested in. It’s a loose, unstructured time where we form relationships with you!

This is a perk for the Family membership group. If you’ve been thinking about upgrading, this is a cool meeting time that we haven’t said much about yet. Just wanted to let you know it’s there!

Curious about other perks in the Family group? It’s a place for pretty serious composers! Click below to read more.


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