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All Our Seasons Change
Your seasonal shifting will probably not look the same as mine. Some of us are going through significant life transitions, while some are seizing new opportunities like launching new albums or making career moves. Change, like the seasons, is a common experience for all of us.

Signposts: Curves Ahead!
Stay alert. Listen to your intuition. While it may not be right every time (thanks, lizard brain!), when you open your heart and mind, you realize these aren’t just random events. There's something – a science, a magic, an intelligence – we've yet to fully grasp.

Growing in Circles
My own “life spiral” has sometimes looked remarkably coherent and blessed. At others it has resembled a weirdly misshapen cinnamon roll, rather than a perfect circle. It's supposed to be that way. Growth is imperfect and asymmetrical—and sometimes we have to go back and repeat something in order to learn the lesson from that experience.