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The Habits of Success (with Jelle Dittmar)

The Habits of Success (with Jelle Dittmar)

Dave Kropf hosts music producer Jelle Dittmar in a dynamic episode of the 52 Cues Podcast. Explore how online networking catapulted Jelle into a major album deal with an LA music library, plus uncover the secrets to forging lasting industry relationships.

Learn about the role of live elements in music production, advances in remote collaboration technology, and Jelle's dedication to mentoring the next generation of talent. Perfect for composers at any stage, this episode is packed with actionable insights to fuel your musical journey.

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5 Ways the 80/20 Rule Can Boost Your Career in Production Music

5 Ways the 80/20 Rule Can Boost Your Career in Production Music

The 80/20 rule, or “Pareto Principle,” is a concept that states that 80% of the outcomes in life can be attributed to 20% of causes, and as it turns out, this principle can also be applied to our development as composers.

On this week’s episode, we unpack 5 ways to use this 80/20 rule to boost our careers in production music, as well as talk about some pitfalls to watch out for if this all goes sideways.

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Will Artificial Intelligence Ever Replace Composers?

Will Artificial Intelligence Ever Replace Composers?

Why do we get such anxiety over how technology and AI might one day make us all obsolete? To help us understand why we might get so wound up about the threat of technology, I thought it’d be a good idea to get an historical perspective, so I welcome back Mrs. 52 Cues herself, Shannon Kropf, who takes us on multiple centruries-long journey to show us that technological apprehension is nothing new!

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The Global Royalty Machine: Ins, Outs, and Oportunities

The Global Royalty Machine: Ins, Outs, and Oportunities

Collecting royalties around the globe involves a vast network of sub-publishers, PROs, MCOs, administrators, integrated licensing hubs, and more. Join us for an in-depth roundtable discussion to learn more about what these different service providers do, what income streams they manage, and how to best utilize them to maximize your royalties beyond U.S. borders.

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Never Say Never! (Or Always)

Never Say Never! (Or Always)

It seems like a lot of professionals in the music industry like to deal in absolutes, so on today's episode I thought it’d be a good idea to talk about why we should probably get rid of absolute words like "never" and "always" from our production music vocabulary.

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