52 Cues | The Interactive Production Music Community

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Expedition 52: A Year-Long Composer Quest

An Adventure of Creativity and Inspiration!

Welcome to Expedition 52, an exhilarating year-long composer quest brought to you by 52 Cues, the premier community for career-minded production and library music composers. This unique challenge is not just a journey through music, but an expedition of creativity and camaraderie.

What is Expedition 52?

Expedition 52 is a creatively structured quest that unfolds over the course of a year, divided into four thrilling 13-week stages, each with its distinct flavor and set of challenges:

  1. Basecamp (Week 1-13): The starting point of our musical expedition, where composers gear up, plan, and set the tone for their journey.

  2. Icefall (Week 14-26): A phase of exploration and experimentation, navigating through the unpredictable terrains of musical ideas.

  3. Ridge (Week 27-39): The stage where composers refine their skills, climbing higher, pushing their limits and honing their craft.

  4. Summit (Week 40-52): The final ascent, where the culmination of a year's work and learning is showcased in a grand finale.

Who are the Climbers?

You, the composers, are the brave climbers in this quest.* Your challenge? To compose one cue per week, each a stepping stone towards your personal summit. Whether you are a seasoned production music composer or just beginning your career, Expedition 52 offers a platform to elevate your skills, creativity, and network.

How It Works

Each week a new thread will open here in "The Ascent," and it's in these threads you'll post your cues and provide feedback.

1. Write a New Cue Each Week

Write a brand new cue each week. The cue can be for a publisher, for a brief, or just for yourself! 

  • Cues should be between 1:30-3:00 in length.

  • Please only submit new cues completed within the week.

  • Cues should be instrumental, production music cues suitable for placement in a music library.

  • If you're not sure what to write, then write to the optional brief listed in each week!

2. Post Your Cue In The Thread for the Week

In a comment, post a streaming link (Soundcloud, Reelcrafter, Disco, etc.) to your cue.

  • Include a brief description of your cue along with any pertinent details you'd like us to know!

  • If you're writing to a specific brief (from a library or TAXI), please include the brief details along with links to any provided references.

3. Leave Feedback for Your Fellow Climbers

Provide a thoughtful, constructive review of another climber's cue. No matter how much you may know about any given style or how much experience you have in production music, your opinion matters! 

  • You must leave feedback for at least one other cue submitted during the week.

  • If something is really working, then shout it out!

  • If you think something can be improved, give a suggestion on how you would specifically improve it.

  • Shoot for a response of between 50-100 words.

In an industry that works to communicate emotions through music, you are every bit as qualified to give your thoughts on a cue as the most seasoned of composers!

Are you ready?

As we stand at the threshold of this awe-inspiring musical expedition, remember that each note you compose is a step closer to your summit. Let the spirit of adventure and creativity guide you through each stage of Expedition 52. Embrace the challenges, celebrate your progress, and revel in the camaraderie of fellow composers.

This is more than just a quest; it's a transformational journey that will leave you enriched, inspired, and with a portfolio that resonates with your dedication and talent. 

Gear up, climbers!

The peak awaits, and the view from the summit of your achievements will be breathtaking. Together, let's make this year an unforgettable triumph of success and creativity in the world of production music!

*Just in case it needs saying: This group does not provide actual mountain climbing experiences or advice. The climb is a metaphor for the challenge of writing and giving feedback on one production music cue per week for 1 year.