52 Cues | The Interactive Production Music Community

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Do We Really Need to Know Music Theory??

Do We Really Need Music Theory?
52 Cues Podcast

We’ve heard of very successful composers who’ve made great careers for themselves without really knowing how to read music (Hans Zimmer, Danny Elfman, Vangelis, Irving Berlin all come to mind), but does reading music equal understanding music?

Which begs the question: do we have to know music theory as production music composers? I've invited Mrs. 52 Cues herself, Shannon Kropf, who’s quite literally written the book on music theory, to help answer this question!

Plus, we take a listen to a delicate emotional cue with a variable tempo (and talk about whether or not that’s ok) written by 52 Cues Community member, Jim DiGritz!

00:00 – Intro & Welcome
03:04 – Do We Really Need to Know Music Theory?
38:07 – Join the 52 Cues Community!
39:20 – "Glass Lakes" by Jim DiGritz (https://soundcloud.com/jimdigritz)
52:43 – Outro & How You Can Support 52 Cues!

Basic Music Theory for the DAW Composer - June 16 @ 5p ET.
Open to all Friends and Family subscribers of 52 Cues!

More about Shannon Kropf

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