52 Cues Mastermind

Next Offering: January 2025

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    “The Mastermind is the best thing I have done for my music career! I now have the confidence and skills I need to get myself to that next level. The weekly meetings kept me accountable to my goals and motivated me to continue improving on, and writing new cues. Receiving feedback on cues each week, and listening to other group members' cues who are all on different paths was invaluable and I learnt so much from this alone. The value you will get from this Mastermind far outweighs the price you pay and I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to take the next step in their production music career, no matter what stage you are at.” - Winter 2024

    “The Mastermind is the best thing I have done for my music career! I now have the confidence and skills I need to get myself to that next level. The weekly meetings kept me accountable to my goals and motivated me to continue improving on, and writing new cues. Receiving feedback on cues each week, and listening to other group members' cues who are all on different paths was invaluable and I learnt so much from this alone. The value you will get from this Mastermind far outweighs the price you pay and I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to take the next step in their production music career, no matter what stage you are at.” - Winter 2024

    "The Mastermind was an amazing experience. I really enjoyed getting to know Dave and my classmates through casual and supportive conversations. I received excellent feedback on my cues, and got all my questions answered. I also benefitted from hearing answers to my classmates' questions. I think this class could be helpful to both beginners and experienced producers looking to hone their craft. I highly recommend it." - Winter 2024

    "The Mastermind was an amazing experience. I really enjoyed getting to know Dave and my classmates through casual and supportive conversations. I received excellent feedback on my cues, and got all my questions answered. I also benefitted from hearing answers to my classmates' questions. I think this class could be helpful to both beginners and experienced producers looking to hone their craft. I highly recommend it." - Winter 2024

    “The Mastermind is the best thing I have done for my music career! I now have the confidence and skills I need to get myself to that next level. The weekly meetings kept me accountable to my goals and motivated me to continue improving on, and writing new cues. Receiving feedback on cues each week, and listening to other group members' cues who are all on different paths was invaluable and I learnt so much from this alone. The value you will get from this Mastermind far outweighs the price you pay and I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to take the next step in their production music career, no matter what stage you are at.” - Summer 2023

    “The Mastermind is the best thing I have done for my music career! I now have the confidence and skills I need to get myself to that next level. The weekly meetings kept me accountable to my goals and motivated me to continue improving on, and writing new cues. Receiving feedback on cues each week, and listening to other group members' cues who are all on different paths was invaluable and I learnt so much from this alone. The value you will get from this Mastermind far outweighs the price you pay and I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to take the next step in their production music career, no matter what stage you are at.” - Summer 2023